

PG电子APP就读一个学期的估计费用和COA预算用于确定您的经济援助资格. The 出勤费用 amount includes the following:

  • Estimated tuition and fees charges
    学费 – Charges assessed for classes
    费用 – Charges assessed for other college services
  • Estimated 书籍及用品
  • Room and board for students – allowance for housing, utilities and food.
  • 杂项费用 – allowance for personal care and other costs associated with attending college
  • Estimated 运输 costs
  • Estimated Student Loan 费用


Expenses the student/family pays to the College, 比如学费, fees and on-campus housing (if applicable).


A form of financial aid that must be repaid with interest. 教育al 贷款 have varying interest rates and repayment terms. 学生和/或家长在接受教育贷款时需要签署本票.

学生贷款: 授予学生的资金,最终必须由学生偿还给贷款人.

  • Federal Direct 学生贷款: Loan funds provided to the student by the U.S. Department of 教育, through the College. 在借款人不再是学生的六个月后,至少有一半的时间开始偿还本金. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the annual application. There are two types of Federal Direct Student Loans: subsidized and unsubsidized. Students with financial need can qualify for a subsidized loan, 在学生至少有一半时间留在学校期间,政府支付贷款利息. 没有表现出经济需求的学生有资格获得无补贴贷款,并且在学生上学期间产生利息.
  • 联邦毕业生PLUS贷款: Loan funds provided to graduate students by the U.S. Department of 教育, through the College. 这项联邦贷款计划允许没有不良信用记录的研究生每年申请高达其出勤费的贷款, 减少任何经济援助. 要符合资格, 学生必须在符合条件的学习计划中注册至少一半的时间,并首先通过联邦直接学生贷款计划借入允许的最高额度. 在贷款全部支付后30至60天开始偿还本金和利息,可选择延期和延期.
  • Private (Alternative) Loan: 一笔商业贷款, 国家附属或机构贷款机构过去常常支付每年的教育费用, 减少任何经济援助 received. 私人贷款通常要求申请人有信誉或有共同签署人,并有不同的利率, 费用及还款选择. Repayment of interest (and often principal) generally begins immediately, with some lenders offering deferment options for in-school periods.

联邦家长贷款(PLUS): 一项联邦贷款计划,允许没有不良信用记录的父母每年申请最高入学费用, 减少任何经济援助. PLUS 贷款 must be repaid with interest.


学业工作量(或课程负担),学生在规定的学习期间所承担的工作量. 这与学生在一个学期(学术期间)所修学分的数量有关。. 要符合资格 for most types of financial aid, 学生必须至少注册一半时间(本科生6学时或研究生3学时)。. PG电子APP enrollment status levels:

  • Undergraduate Full-time status = at least 12 credit hours per semester
  • Graduate Full-time status = at least 6 credit hours per semester
  • Undergraduate Three-quarter time status = at least 9-11 credit hours per semester
  • Graduate Three-quarter time status = not applicable
  • Undergraduate Half-time status = at least 6-8 credit hours per semester
  • Graduate Half-time status = at least 3-5 credit hours per semester

Expected Family Contribution (EFC)

学院用来计算学生有资格获得多少经济援助的数字, 如果有任何. 这个数字是基于学生免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA)中提供的财务信息。. This is not the amount of money the family will have to pay to the College, nor is it the amount of federal student aid awarded to the student.


一项由联邦政府提供给有特殊经济需求且家庭预期贡献低于美国联邦政府每年指定的门槛的合格本科生的补助金.S. 根据国会拨款的项目资金数额计算.

Federal Supplemental 教育al Opportunity 格兰特 (FSEOG)

联邦政府向有特殊经济需要的合格本科生提供的补助金. 优先考虑佩尔奖学金获得者,资金必须由最低EFC顺序的学校颁发.




Funds awarded to the student that do not have to be repaid, unless the student fails to meet certain terms, such as a service requirement or grade point average, specified as a condition of the grant. 礼品援助包括诸如助学金、奖学金、减免、豁免等奖项. Gift aid can be awarded based upon many factors, including (but not limited to) financial need, 学术, affiliation with various groups, 或者职业抱负.


Gift aid awarded to the student that does not need to be repaid. 格兰特s are typically based on financial need.


因出席而产生的费用,学生/家庭可以支付给学院以外的第三方.  Such expenses may include (but are not limited to) rent/housing, 书籍及用品, 运输, student loan fees and miscellaneous costs.




Difference between the cost of attendance and all gift aid. Out-of-pocket cost can be covered through a variety of sources, 包括:储蓄, 收入和学生贷款.


Gift aid awarded to the student that does not need to be repaid. 奖学金通常基于成绩或成绩与需要的结合, such as 学术, affiliation with various groups, 或者职业抱负.


Financial aid in the form of 贷款 or student employment. Loans are used to help pay the remaining net costs after gift aid is deducted. 学生就业收入(包括联邦勤工俭学奖学金)通常不会从帐单费用中扣除,但可以用来帮助支付间接费用,并以工资的形式支付给学生.


Process to confirm the accuracy of data provided by the applicant on the FAFSA. In order to complete the verification process, students are required to provide certain documents to PG电子APP for review.